24 October 2013

Update - Lime Odyssey Status

After waiting for months, almost a year actually..
Lime Odyssey Korea Grand Opening
I cant compile all of them, it's better to visit the forum. There are a lot of update include in game system and content. I think a lot of our voice has been considered.
GM Paladin also give us some attention about the coming release of Lime Odyssey status at aeriagames forum. I don't know what's gonna comes next, Ragnarok Online 2 was a complete failure to bring back old times memories. And Lime Odyssey said to be the "spiritual Sucessor of Ragnarok Online" then I hope it will be more fun experience.

27 January 2012

Next Testing Phase in Few Weeks

A State of Lime Odyssey Address 2012

Hello again!
Thank you so much. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Please, be seated.
Mr. Turga, Mrs. Muris, members of Blue Coral, distinguished guests, and fellow Ortanians, last month I went to Al Amir and welcomed home some of our last developers to serve in Al Sarvana. Together, we offered a final, proud salute to the fruit under which more than a million of our fellow alpha testers fought, and several thousand gave their lives.
We gather tonight knowing that this generation of heroes has made Lime Odyssey safer and more respected around the world.
If I may backtrack in time for just a moment, I’d like to explain the nature in which Lime Odyssey has progressed. Announced far before development was complete, Lime Odyssey was acquired by Aeria considerably earlier than fellow MMOs. Due to the complications that can arise in coding, design, and localization needed to finish a game, delays ensued and the launch date had to be extended. Please understand, we made decisions that we felt were best for all Ortanians -- to have a world free of bugs, glitches and exploits.
Today, I stand before you to explain the status of Lime Odyssey. With its current plan, the game will be moving into the next testing phase in the coming few weeks. While I wish I could give you a precise date, the timing is determined by many variables; this is the current best I can provide. We have been trekking down this path for a while and are extremely close to the final frontier that is commercialization.
So it is with this Lime Odyssey. Each time I look at the game, I’m reminded that our destiny is stitched together like the power of the lime. No one built this game on their own. This game is great because we built it together. This game is great because we worked as a team. This game is great because we get each other’s backs. And if we hold fast to that truth, in this moment of trial, there is no challenge too great; no mission too hard. As long as we’re joined in common purpose, as long as we maintain our common resolve, our journey moves forward, and our future is hopeful, and the state of our game will always be strong.
Thank you, Nysis bless you, and may Nysis bless Lime Odyssey.

27 December 2011

Gathering & Crafting Guide and Tutorial

Crafting is a huge part of life in Orta, but in order to craft you have to get all the materials first. Thus, the two main aspects of creating items in Lime Odyssey are Gathering and Crafting.

Gathering Basics

The land of Orta is littered with tons of plants, animals, and artifacts you can get useful materials from. You can tell an item can be gathered because it will have yellow sparkles surrounding it. Right click on these items to bring up the gathering wheel. Pictured to the right, this wheel will pop up and present all of your fathering options.
Depending on which harvesting type you choose (Dig, Gather, Chop, Search) you will find a different material. This means you will have to do some experimenting to find out how to get each specific material you need to craft. There is no way to tell what items you will get until you try it.

Crafting Basics

In order to craft, you must first be in your Life Class mode. You can switch between modes by pressing the "C" key. If you are not sure which mode you are in, you can mouse over the icon just next to your portrait at the top of your screen.

Once you are in your Life Class mode, you can now access your crafting and refining menus. These can be located at the bottom right of your screen, as pictured below.


Extracting is the process of taking raw materials you have gathered and turning them into extracts used in all crafting recipes. Once you have the materials gathered, refining is as easy as selecting the type of essence from the menu on the left, dragging the materials over into the middle slot, and pressing "Refine"!


Now that you have the first step out of the way, the final step is making your gear! Selecting the crafting icon will bring up the window below
On the left, you may sort through your categories to find the gear you wish to create. On the right you will see a list of all needed ingredients for the item. If you have all the items needed, crafting is as easy as clicking the "Craft" icon, and hoping for success!

Of course, success is not guaranteed, and as you make better gear the chances if success get lower and lower. Luckily, as you level your life class, you will get better and better at crafting! So, if you get frustrated trying to make a piece of gear, we recommend going out and leveling your life craft a bit, and trying again!    

Lime Odyssey Farming System Guilde and Tutorial

So, after reading the announcement of the LO KR next mini AB Take our test and, in particular, life skills and farming systems.

About Farming
- One can buy animals/plants.
- Gather materials needed to craft/cook for your life skill.
- You get a little gift after the animal/plant expires [see Afterward]

To begin/get to the Farm:
You must change into your life/profession job before proceeding.
One will also receive a "Farming" quest as they proceed into the storyline.*(Regarding a sheep and whatnot. /cough)

"Farming today will be exciting~ Miss Pam cannot wait!!"**

To get to the farm, you press "M" to open your map, and click on the area with the cow and tree. (This map is the starting area for Humans, Blue Coral.)

At the farm:
There are only few things you can do at the farm:
- Buy a plant/animal
- Harvest/Gather materials from that said animal/plant to use to craft.

When buying and using a plant/animal
An NPC will sell the plants/animals
Animals: [cow, pig, panda, chicken, sheep, etc]
Plants/Trees:[oranges, apples, vegetables, cactus, etc]

"Oh my! They have everything~!"**

After you bought your animal/plant, you go to the empty field and you "mount" on your plant/animal

There are several options you can do with animals/plants:
- Gather
- Feed "treats"
- Brush**

If you desire to gather from the animal when it is not affectionate, gathering will fail like so:

BUT, if you brush and feed the animal before attempting to gather - it will gain affection, making your gathering successful like so:

After the Gathering:
After you gather which will consist of 2/3 gathers per animal/plant (or 1. LOL)
Your animal/plant will die/poof :C
BUTTTT, your animal/plant will leave something behind as a momento
Like an animal skin hat! or a new hair style (temp. duration)!
Reward(s) after gathering may or may not be available in our version of game.

Lime Odyssey Original Soundtrack

Enjoy the song :)
Still waiting for Aeriagames news. Last time I checked it would be around January for Close Beta Test. I hope you'll hang in there.