29 November 2011

Lime Odyssey Pet System

Lime Odyssey Pet/Animal systems

Animals with it. The information in this section is still very much the same. But if you look at it, I guess for a pet.

There are many types of pets to choose from feasting. Each pet are cute and cool.

Unconventional and unique. Unfortunately, that team does not have the depth that These animals will continue to come forward to help us fight or give Stats Bonus Party will have the Ability or any further or I need to follow in the future as well.

Wait for next Pet/Animal system guide and tutorial on how to get and to take care of it.

Choose and How to Building a House at Lime Odyssey

Many People Love to Build a House

Choose a career that would have resulted in character. Design and the design of the house has a different one will.
Housing Zone.

Zone for housing in particular. Players will be grouped together to create a group. Home of their own guild at all.

And may be taxable. Or expenses. About the house as well. And more importantly, it is.
Living Class:.

To build furniture for home decor as well.

Battle Gauge and Monsters Guide

In this game we have to fight cute monsters. The monsters are aggressive as well. But it's very good for us because it has a lot of experience. Fighting in this game are needed. Because the character of the experience need to learn skills and strengthen yourself. In addition, we also do battle with hunger.

Explosive Power Burst Gauge Power.

When friends get rid of the monsters. Every time the value Burst is the number one area of ​​the accumulated and used to enable Burst to add vitality to the new theater in a given period of time, when enabled, then the radiation aura was around. the characters are in a position to indicate that it will increase the Burst attack of physical and magical damage to us as well.

Beats, Baddies, and Boogeymen.

Monsters in this game are divided into levels and types, as well. We have to note that each monster is kind of what Some kind of power is much stronger than skill. And so could not die if I could be on the lookout Because this is the first of many.
It's the type of monster is as follows.

Common Critters or general type.
They will live anywhere in the world. The monsters are commonplace, such as plants, animals, insects, etc. They can be very difficult to get rid of it.

Tougher Terros.
As special or as a gang boss of monsters each group. This is not just one group will have only one option, but about power, it is considered a reasonably good level comparable to us. Be careful with. Or go to the party best

Brawny Bosses.
Or the head of the map itself. They are very good. We can not get rid of it by me alone. Therefore, the best group of friends to the island would be better.

Lime Odyssey Leveling and Skill Guide and Tutorial

The skill to create in town itself. Most people who play it, kept their skill in the first level. But this game is like many other games that can go in a different quest.

For example, if we play the race turga, or human for human skill and quests in the Truga.
Should go to a place where when you have a vehicle to travel to other cities, Level 7, for the quest. Level 2 as early as the city itself.
Level 7 fight at the lower level, and often do not have to sit and get item from the quest to sell and get more skill there.
Until you got estimated at a level 10 quest and return to the city itself. Without having to worry about the weapon used. Continue to do the same.
Because when we came back from the city, level will be even greater than before. Remaining quest is level 10 quest to get at city.
Makes it easier to do quests for the skill with weapons and the quest can not be replaced until level 12 and then go to one place.
The skill is used until about level 15 or that it will difficult to do to keep the same level for the other cities.
This is about the only skill I have been back to the map. If you do this. The more skill. You will get more comfortable to leveling.
A simple and more easier is to go to the dungeon. Go to the cities that have adorned the with the quest of a gradual one.

Lime Odyssey Alpha Test Already Begun

If you're reading this means that Alpha invites Lime Odyssey began to send! It will receive in your inbox. If you're not invited, do not worry! We have invitations in waves, not all at once. However, since this is only the Alpha, a small group of elected officials.

For those of you who are able to play, remember that this is alpha testing. Do not expect the game to the end - no. The purpose of this test is that we have some real tests of the world to get to the game, and problems with the server. So if you find errors please report to the alpha of our forums. You will receive a letter with a link to your alpha invites.